When you lead with grace and authenticity, it shows up in your words.

…every single one of them.

Clarity in communication grows over time, and takes practice and learning from mistakes. Learning how to build communication skills and put them into action will elevate your capacity to lead from where ever you are serving. 

Read, Learn and Grow.  Just like our students, we will get better and communicating when we learn more about it. Growing your professional library with books, articles, and podcasts will help you see this work in action. Start following other leaders, in and outside of education, to see their work in daily action. 

Seek Feedback.  When you lead authentically, you ask for and receive feedback more readily. Find someone that is willing to give you feedback after a meeting about a specific skill you are implementing and then listen and use what they shared with you. 

Reflect and Renew. Communicate with yourself as well by reflecting on your new learning. Spoiler Alert: this work can take time and be challenging. Start a journal, pick an area of focus, and list specific ways you want to build this muscle. Then down the road, a month, a year, or longer come back to the start of the journal and journey and see how far you have come. 

What seemed hard is now seamless! Find the space and time to reflect on your leadership style in theory and action.

And Remember…..The risk is always worth the reward. Want to learn more?

Click here to order your copy of Lead with Grace: Leaning into the Soft Skills of Leadership for only $15.00!