
Yes, it is really May. The snow is melting (finally), our school calendars are on a countdown, and the end of the year is near.

So how do you stay encouraged at the end of something that you might be sad to say goodbye to? And what can you say to others who might be struggling as well?

Being grateful for the good things doesn’t erase the difficult things.

(Nagoski & Nagoski, Burnout: The secret to unlocking the stress cycle 2020)

Gratitude is incredibly helpful when ending something and reflecting on what you learned from it. Along with my daily morning gratitude practices, I add a few mantras and activities to help support the range of emotions at the end of the year. 

Encouragement for Students:

  1. Make time to spend time with them. Sit in the lunchroom, hang out in the commons before/after school, or attend their end-of-year special events. Make time to make final positive memories with your students. 
  2. Write a note of thanks. Take a moment to send a note to students, and send them home with them at the end of the year, in the mail, or at their graduation ceremony.
  3. Say something. In the moment, make mention of what they have accomplished, and what is yet to come.

Too often we go through the motions in our lives and miss out on the moments.

Principal in Balance/Better Said Co Educator Cards

Encouragement for Parents.

Our babies aren’t babies anymore. This time of year is a great space to celebrate, and for some a time for sadness. This is the time you get to proudly be a parent before any other title you hold (even if you are the parent and one of the principals of an incredible senior graduating this year). 

  1. Make time for your family. Go to a sporting event, watch a TV show (without looking at your phone), or surprise your scholar with a special lunch this spring/summer. 
  2. Celebrate the Success this year. Grades, Athletics, Extra Curricular Accomplishments, whatever they did well, make sure you remind them of it now at the end of the year. 
  3. Get sleep. Seriously, the end of the year can be exhausting and you don’t need that to be the reason you are fully present, or prepared for the big moments ahead. 

You can’t be fine all the time. It is okay to say how you feel and what you need.

Principal in Balance/Better Said Co Educator Cards

Encouragement for Teachers.

The best for last on this post. Teachers (and this means para-educators, principals, specialists, coaches, custodians, cooks, secretaries, and support staff), you have run the race well and the marathon is almost over. Please be mindful of a few things in these final days. 

  1. Take care of yourself. You are navigating your own emotions while taking care of your students, your family, and others at the same time. Make sure you are taking time to prioritize your own physical and emotional well-being as well. 
  2. Take time to celebrate your own success. Maybe you taught a new grade level, maybe this was your first year as a school leader. Whatever you did this year-reflect on it. Take 10 minutes to review the year, month by month, and write down the highlights and learning. Too often as educators, we focus on the 10% that didn’t go well, instead of the 90% that did. 
  3. Take time to prepare for the summer. As the students leave on the last day make sure you take the time to close out the year and celebrate with your colleagues as well. 

The idea of doing it all….has to be done.

Principal in Balance/Better Said Co Educator Cards

And finally, as a thank you for all of you and what you do, I have a present. Please take the graphics I shared in this post and use them as needed. Also if you like the encouragement above Nora Tweeten, a Senior at Austin High School, has created custom greeting cards for educators with inspirational messages such as:

Sometimes it is okay to pause instead of pushing through.
You can’t be well for others unless you prioritize wellness for others.
Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. 

Better Said Co Educator Cards

She is offering these for a limited time and I will also include a little #PrincipalinBalance swag as a thank-you for supporting this graduating senior (and former student).

The link to order is: mention Cabeen in the comments so I can send you a gift as well!

Continue to be well for yourself, so you can be well for others…..and feel free to send some Kleenex for this parent/principal next week.

Take Care,
