Hi All, It is me-Jessica.

What a spring? Is anyone else still trying to recalibrate and come up for air?

While this spring was a challenge, it made taking a hard reset in June more than nice, a real necessity. This past week at Get Your Lead On in Orlando I shared the following mantra:

Unconventional Leadership. Routledge 2019.

When you realize that this quote is real it is hard not to want to make changes to remove kryptonite from your lives-and it can start with your schedule.

Step One: Identify Your Priorities. What is something you always want to do “if only” you had the time? Reading, walking, running (for me swimming). Things like that need to be a first thought-not an afterthought on your schedule.

Step Two: Find Your Essentials. At Austin Online Academy we are making a language shift from “electives” to “essentials”. This can hold true for finding the most important things to put on your calendar. Dinner with family, attending events for your children, self-care activities all need to be on the calendar so you don’t fill up your day without pouring into yourself and your family as a priority. Batching managerial tasks (emails, bills, reports), are all important things to be scheduled so they can get done in intentional ways-not just grazing on these tasks during the day.

Step Three: What is your calendar missing? Hard truths here-as you are recalibrating this summer, what was removed, neglected or not done well this spring that you want to reset now? Summer is a great time to put boundaries on your day so you can still have a life, and build that muscle so when school comes around again you have the bandwidth to keep these boundaries in place. If you say yes to everything, you do nothing well, so consider this your pass from the principal’s office to start saying no to urgent, so you have time for the important.

Pick one thing, do it well, and repeat and rinse so it becomes routine.

Here if you need anything,


For more information:

Full Focus Planner. Click on the link and use JESSICA10 for 10% Off.

Planning the Picture Perfect Week: free resources and tools to go deeper in planning your Ideal Week.

Morning Ritual. An easy way to start is by incorporating a morning ritual, this blog post shares ideas and examples of starting one.