….the moment you want to retreat is the exact moment you have to reach in.
Jessica Cabeen
I wrote this in an Edutopia blog back in..wait for it 2018. The topic was Self Care for School Administrators. As I am finishing up my second year in a new position, working on my doctorate, and juggling family life (including selling a house), I thought some of these tips may be relevant for you today.
To show up as our best selves for others, we have to prioritize taking care of ourselves.
Jessica Cabeen, Principal in Balance
In Balance LAP, Sarah, Jessica, and I discussed the importance of the four quadrants of balance. In Principal in Balance, I shared the framework for building a self-care playlist. As we approach the final quarter of the school year, I challenge you to incorporate a modified version of both of these models into your daily life.
Self-Care Playlists:
BTW, this is a great staff wellness activity for accountability and ideas.
Step One: Reflect on 3-4 ways to improve each aspect of each playlist and write them down on Post-it notes.
Step Two: Break off into four groups, each focusing on one playlist aspect, with poster paper on the wall. Give teams 8-10 minutes to share their post-it notes, identify common themes, and brainstorm key strategies to improve each area.
Step Three: Conduct a gallery walk around the room every 5-7 minutes, adding to the poster boards and gathering additional ideas from other groups.
Step Four: Return to your group and identify 2-3 strategies you will incorporate into your daily routine for the remainder of the school year.
Need More Reasons to Create a Self-Care Playlist?
Well, since you asked…..
- A great video introducing the concept if you are doing the activity during a staff meeting:
- Adam Grant’s seminal article on Languishing.
- Languishing Article in a podcast version
- A faith perspective from Father Mike Schmitz on “Why Self-Care is Important for Loving Others” *shout out to a former student for sharing this with me.
- Four Ways to Embed Self-Care Into Your Day in Five Minutes or Less.
- Podcast: Setting Boundaries for Self Care, interview with Dr. Bill Ziegler (5 minutes)
Here if you need anything,