by Jessica Cabeen | Jan 16, 2024 | Principal in Balance, Unconventional Leadership
As I am heading home from a full weekend of learning at Get Your Teach On, I also had an assignment due for my doctoral class…today. Applying Bassett’s Emergent Wisdom model, here is what my Get Your Teach On experience was like. Discerning: Unplugging for...
by Jessica Cabeen | Dec 27, 2023 | Principal in Balance
Ever find yourself wondering, ‘What’s next?’ As high-achieving leaders, it’s natural for those words to escape our lips after conquering significant milestones, big or small. Often, we swiftly glide over our successes and linger a bit too much...
by Jessica Cabeen | Dec 16, 2023 | Permission to Rest, Principal in Balance
Preparing to Pause: A Framework for Planning a Break From Work How are you? No, really. As we wrap up 2023 at school, it’s not just about tying up projects and closing out events. There’s a flurry of activities at home too. The end of December brings a...
by Jessica Cabeen | Dec 10, 2023 | Principal in Balance
Hey-how are you? No really. Between wrapping up my fourth doctoral course, attending multiple scholar events this week, and gearing up for a holiday orchestra concert with a friend, it’s a busy yet festive time of year. Why does this matter? Balancing the...
by Jessica Cabeen | Dec 1, 2023 | Principal in Balance
How are you? No really. For me, the timeframe from Thanksgiving to Christmas is marked with reminders of unexpected loss, joy, anticipation, excitement, and struggles. Twelve years ago, during these weeks, we found our son and brought him home. As I shared in...
by Jessica Cabeen | May 21, 2023 | Permission to Rest, Principal in Balance, Unconventional Leadership
May. Yes, it is really May. The snow is melting (finally), our school calendars are on a countdown, and the end of the year is near. So how do you stay encouraged at the end of something that you might be sad to say goodbye to? And what can you say to others who...
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