My Blog

Good, Bad………or Growth?
Good, Bad………or Growth?

Reflecting after a Rough Season. How are you? No really. If I am being honest the 2020-21 school year was deflating and unstable at times. Just when I thought I had my footing something changed, a new regulation came into place,...

Learning to Let Things Go on Social Media
Learning to Let Things Go on Social Media

How are you holding up? No really? While the news talks about the peaks of COVID-19, I continue to reflect on the different peaks of emotions of stakeholders. Peaks of emotions for our graduating seniors, peaks for teachers, peaks for parents, and peaks for our...


Jessica is the Principal of Alternative Educations Programs in Austin, Minnesota. Previously, she was the principal of Ellis Middle School in Austin, Minnesota, and the principal of the “Happiest Place in Southeastern Minnesota,” the Woodson Kindergarten Center.