Organizing the Chaos Before the End of the Year.

by | Dec 16, 2021 | Principal in Balance | 0 comments

Is it 2022 yet? For some of us we are counting down the minutes, for others we are wishing for more time. In seasons of stress, our ability to see what is urgent vs important vs can wait can be strained. Needing a little help in figuring out what to do, and what can wait?

Must Do-May Do-Wait To Do Until 2022

  1. On post it notes write down all the things you have in your head that you think need to be accomplished before the end of 2021.
  2. Create a chart like the one below.
  3. Put post it notes in the corresponding columns.
  4. Reflect: If you have a lot of the post it notes in Must Do-reflect on the following question:
    • If it has to be done-does it have to be me?
    • Is there anything that can just be deleted?

Hopefully, this helps to put priorities back in place and boundaries in clear sight.

Have a great rest of 2021!



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