Balance Boot Camp for Educators: Part Four

by | Sep 14, 2024 | Principal in Balance | 0 comments

Prioritize what matters. Protect your balance. Thrive throughout the year.

We may be superheroes, but we aren’t made of steel.


Four weeks into the school year, routines are set. Teachers are focused on their students, and school leaders are managing the building’s rhythm. But one thing that often gets overlooked? Our personal lives outside of work.

We might think we can power through the long days and handle everything year-round. But without setting boundaries and building habits that support your life outside of work, both your personal and professional well-being could suffer. Here are some practical steps to keep balance in your life:

Step One: Identify Your Priorities
What’s something you wish you had more time for—if only your schedule allowed it? Maybe it’s reading, walking, running, or (for me) swimming. Whatever it is, make it a priority, not an afterthought. These activities should be the first things you schedule, ensuring they have a permanent place in your routine.

Step Two: Find Your Essentials
At our school, we’ve changed the way we talk about courses by calling them “essentials” instead of “electives” to emphasize their importance. The same goes for your personal calendar. Identify the non-negotiables: family dinners, attending your children’s events, or self-care. These are essential, not optional. Batch smaller tasks—emails, reports, paying bills—into specific time blocks so you’re not distracted by them throughout the day. This way, you protect time for the things that truly matter.

Step Three: What’s Missing?
Take a hard look at your calendar. As you reflect on the past few months, ask yourself what fell through the cracks. Were there activities or relationships you neglected because of work? Use this time to recalibrate. Summer is ideal for reinforcing boundaries, so when the school year ramps up, you’ll have built the muscle to keep those limits in place. Saying “yes” to everything dilutes your energy. Consider this your permission slip to say “no” to the urgent so you have room for what’s important.

Pick one thing, do it well, and repeat until it becomes a natural part of your routine. Small, intentional actions can make a big difference in maintaining your balance.

Here if you need anything,

For more information:

Full Focus Planner. Click on the link and use JESSICA10 for 10% Off.

Planning the Picture Perfect Week: free resources and tools to go deeper in planning your Ideal Week.Morning Ritual. An easy way to start is by incorporating a morning ritual, this blog post shares ideas and examples of starting one.


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