Are you ready tothanks for jumping into an exciting opportunity. I used to think the most prestigious jobs in education were with the older kids. High School Principal, High School Educators, Varsity Soccer Coach, District Office Staff. And then I entered kindergarten…..as an adult. The early years are the most important years for our students today. What we know changes in an instant, learners today need to gain new knowledge in a much more rapid pace and in new ways in order to be our leaders tomorrow. Hacking Early Learning is an opportunity to have intentional conversations about the changes and the opportunities we have as adults to make a big difference in the lives of our students.
Each Section of this online resource will offer ideas and pose questions to deepen your understanding of this work and to collaborate online with others engaged in the most important work. So while the educators in the early years are not on stage handing out the diploma, we know without us they wouldn’t be there.
Keep Dreaming Big for Our Littlest Learners!

Hacking Early Learning
Dream big for our littlest learners
Lead From Your Feet – Not Your Seat
Please Put Play Back In the School Day
Invite Yourself Out and
Invite Others In
with Parents
Start Leading Professional Development the Way You Want Students to Learn
Moving on Up
Hack 1
Dreaming big means understanding where we are starting so we can shoot for the stars for our students. If you are new to early learning, having a foundation of why this time in a child’s life is integral to their future learning is key. What is your personal learning plan for this work? Finding what works for your own learning is essential to ensure you can translate it to your classroom/school practices. Shadowing students, teachers, reading related research and having conversations with those in the work will only grow what you know about PreK-3rd grade.
- What I have learned leading in the Early Grades.
- New America Education Policy Early & Elementary Education
- Minnesota PreK-3 Leadership Wiki
- Framework for Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating PreK-3rd Grade Approaches
- In your own words, why is early learning so critical today?
- With all the other expectations, assignments, and duties we have in our day-what is one way you can prioritize your own learning about appropriate practices in the primary grades?
- In the book, Jessica layers her personal connections to her professional passion in this work. Who is your ‘why’ in this work?
Nancy Alvarez Heidi Veal ECEChat
Want to know how to Share your mantra with others?
Hack 2
So we know the ‘why’ behind this work. Chapter two helps to find the ‘how’ do we learn and lead from this knowledge-in whatever position you hold in your school or district. This ‘active’ listening allows us to be in the classrooms, on the playground, and in parent drop off lanes to see the learning in meaningful ways.
- Unconventional Leadership in the Early Years-Podcast with Better Leaders Better Schools.
- Teacher for the Day. Reflections from a Principal turned Kindergarten Teacher.
- Hall P., Simeral A., ( 2008) Building Teachers’ Capacity for Success: A Collaborative Approach for Coaches and School Leaders. ASCD.
- In what ways could you expand your ‘feet’ work in your school/district/community?
- How can you document this learning? How are you thanking those who you are visiting?
- What time management strategies will be necessary to delegate tasks to dedicate time to this type of work?
Mark French #PrincipalsinAction Ross Cooper
Want to know one way to lead from your feet?
Hack 3
The Chapter on….Pinterest. It is a hard balance, and a daily reflection to ensure we are providing learning environments that are engaging,
fun,purposeful and relevant for the foundational learning today that will accelerate opportunities for all students tomorrow. That type of delicate and daily balance requires a commitment from all teacher to define what it is we want students to learn and how we will assess and document that learning consistently. Connecting the heart, art and mind of teaching are critical at this stage of learning with littles because, well, it goes so fast.
- Learning to Lead a PLC.
- Starting a Movement, Ken Williams, and Tome Hierck
- Minnesota Department of Education. (2017) Practice Brief 1 – ECIPs as the Foundation for the Intentional Teaching Process
- How can you enhance (or establish) a team of educators that can create the essential outcomes that vertically connect preK-3rd grade?
- In what ways should this professional learning be monitored?
- Whoo-hoo! How do you celebrate those little and big milestones-for your students, your peers and yourself?
Want to know how To collaborate with others?
Hack 4
Learning the hidden and visible rules of your first school experiences can be challenging. And research continues to show that for students who are identified at-risk, this learning curve can at times be an insurmountable challenge. More education, more conversations, and clear expectations that are relevant and developmentally appropriate for our hurting learners will only support their learning as they grow.
- Challenging Behavior Template
- Ross Greene: Lives in the Balance
- US Department of Education/ Office for Civil Rights. A First Look: Key Data Highlights on Equity and Opportunity Gaps in Our Nation’s Public Schools.
- What Works Clearinghouse
- Yardsticks, by Chip Wood
- Emotional Readiness: How Early Experience and Mental Health )Predict School Success.
- What are you key social-emotional skills that all students should have? How do you teach, re-teach and reinforce these skills throughout the year?
- What role does your own emotional state play into how you work with students to reteach expectations after a misstep?
- How can mindful practices play a role in the development of Social Emotional Learning for students (and adults)?
Want to know How to build relationships with students? Ask Them.
Hack 5
When we stop worrying about all the things technology couldn’t do for us-we can start thinking about all the opportunities it has for our students. Listening to what students are interested in and aligning innovative practices to those ideas will only amplifying what we are currently doing. Allow teachers opportunities to face their own fears of trying new tools-in professional development, taking the tools home, and cheering them on when they try them in the classrooms of your school.
- Reimagining Classrooms: Teachers as Learners and Students as Leaders | Kayla Delzer | TEDxFargo
- Packer In Training Coding Club Resources
- Future Ready Schools
- Erikson Institute: Technology in Early Childhood.
- Technology and Digital Media in the Early Years Tools for Teaching and Learning.
- Lifelong Kindergarten
- What have you tried already? Offer informal workshops, Appy Hours or playdates to try out tools. Log into http://scratchjr.org/ or https://code.org/ or http://www.daisythedinosaur.com/ and try it for yourself, invite some students to try it with you and see where the learning goes.
- What was your biggest failure in implementing technology in your classrooms and what did you learn from it?
- Who are you connecting with on this journey? How are you sharing your learning with other educators in your school, your local community and beyond?
Angie Kalthoff, Christine Pinto
Want to know how to Code with Kindergartners?
Hack 6
When did play became the forbidden four-letter word in school? With academic expectations and standardized testing becoming more and more prioritized at younger and younger ages it is important to be armed with information that address the critical importance of having both high expectations and play in all grades.
- What are your own memories of play in the early grades?
- How can you explain to community members, administrators, and educators in the upper grades about the importance of play in student’s school day?
- In what ways can you carve out time in the instructional day for moments and opportunities for student-directed play?
KindersmorgasboardAnna Dutke
Want to know how to Share the importance of play?
Hack 7
When we are working together, PreK and K-12, in authentic ways-communication, collaboration and high expectations for all students becomes the real focus of everyone’s work. Finding ways to work and learn together and less in isolation from the each other is critical to ensure the transition between the two systems is kid and family-focused first.
- Essential Questions to Consider
- 5 Easy Ways to Build Authentic and Genuine Relationships with Your Students by Colleen Schmit
- Do you know which schools your students come from or are going to? Challenge yourself to a site visit this year to see this different setting and get to know the incredible educators educating the children everyone is serving.
- Got awesome PD? Invite the preK or K-3 teachers over to join you.
- Show some love. Early in the school year send a note to the former teacher thanking them for something incredible they did that made a difference in the student’s life.
Want to know how to show kids you care?
Hack 8
When we frame interactions with families coming from a place of building opportunities to learn from their child’s first teacher we can start having a meaningful conversation with parents. Finding time to build those relationships requires creativity, effort and time to engage with parents in any way possible.
- All In! Finding Ways to Create Partnerships with Families in Your School
- Creating Meaningful Transitions from PreK-K
- In, Out and Around the Box: Creative Ways to Partner with Families.
- Woodson Parent Blog
- Search Institute
- Learn Forward: An Invitation to the the Most Important Journeys of a Child. Learn Forward Solutions Inc.
- Help?!? I am having a hard time connecting face to face with a family and we are approaching the end of the first month of school-what should I do?
- How has technology and social media enhanced relationships with parents and provided them a lens into the learning of their child?
- A tough conversations is coming, how do you prepare?
Want to know how to Work with families?
Hack 9
Just like learning our classrooms, learning in the staff lounge has to look different. Each one of us comes in with different passions, different skill sets and amazing ideas about how best we can continue to serve our students. Finding ways to give teachers a stronger voice and choice in their own learning enhances the student learning and school culture.
- What is the most recent PD you attended? How did you apply that learning back in your own context?
- How can you put aside your personal fears to move forward on a new teaching strategy or skill you have wanted to try?
- Whoops, uh-oh, how can you use mistakes to enhance your learning as well as your students?
Brad Gustafson Jason Bretzmann Todd Schmidt
Want to know how to Have fun and Flip PD?
Hack 10
Navigating the systems of preschool and K-12 can be daunting for families. Educators on both sides of this transition can make intentional steps towards alignment, ease of transition, and welcoming families between these critical points of their little lives.
- Building Relationships and Setting the Stage Before K
- Creating Meaningful Transitions from PreK-K
- Bornfreund, L. (2016) Connecting PreK and The Early Grades: Principals on Transitions.
- How often do you make time to sit in classrooms that your students are coming from or going to? Can you find one way to make that happen?
- When was the last time you invited another school, grade level, or preschool to professional development or informal collaboration?
- Besides the report card and the cumulative file-how do you communicate the specific skills, needs and sparks your students have gain during the year to the next teacher/school?
Want to know more ways to Share ideas and information with families?